At Home or at School: Cheap Lunch Ideas for Kids

red and green ceramic bowls on brown wooden tray

Parents everywhere are always looking for cheap and easy lunch ideas for their kids. It can be tough to come up with new ideas every day, especially when you’re trying to stay on a budget. That’s why we’ve put together this list of cheap and easy lunch ideas for kids! These recipes are all simple, affordable, and most importantly, delicious. So get ready to pack some amazing school lunches your kids will love!

Cheap Lunch Ideas for kids

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

This classic sandwich is always a hit with kids! It’s cheap, easy to make, and can be tailored to your child’s liking. Kids love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because they can be as simple or complex as they want. Add some extra flair by using different types of bread or even adding some fruit to the mix! You don’t need a recipe for this one

Macaroni and Cheese

Mac and cheese is another lunchtime favorite that’s quick, easy, and affordable. Plus, it can be easily reheated if your child doesn’t have time to eat it all at lunch. Cooked pasta also keeps well in a lunchbox, so it’s perfect for leftovers.

Healthy Tuna Salad Sandwich

This is a great option for kids who like fish. It’s healthy, filling, and can be made ahead of time. It’s simple to prepare, you just need canned tuna, mayo, and your favorite seasonings.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Sandwiches are always a good option for lunch, and grilled cheese is one of the best! It’s easy to make, can be customized with different cheeses and toppings, and is always a hit with kids. You may use apple slices or cherry tomatoes on the side.

Cream Cheese and Jelly Sandwich

This is a twist on the classic PB&J that’s just as easy to make. It’s a little sweeter, so it’s perfect for kids with a sweet tooth. Cream cheese and jelly sandwiches are also a great option for kids who are allergic to peanuts.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs as a great source of protein and can be easily prepped ahead of time. Just add them to your child’s lunchbox with some bread or crackers for a complete meal. These can be packed in a small container and don’t need to be refrigerated, making them perfect for on-the-go lunches.

Fruit Salad

This is a great option for kids who like fruits and vegetables. It’s healthy, filling, and can be made ahead of time. You can make it by having different fresh fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes, and strawberries. Kids will like them to have cheese cubes or granola on the side.

Cheese Quesadillas

This is a great option for kids who like Mexican food. It’s quick, easy, and affordable. Plus, it can be easily reheated if your child doesn’t have time to eat it all at lunch. All you need is a whole wheat tortilla, cheddar cheese, or your favorite kind of cheese, and fillings. Some sour cream or salsa on the side will be perfect.

Chicken Salad Sandwich

This is a great option for kids who like chicken. It’s healthy, filling, and can be made ahead of time. You can make it by using cooked chicken, mayo, and your favorite seasonings. Kids will love to have this sandwich with some grapes or carrots on the side.


Pizza omelets

This is a great option for kids who like Italian food. It’s quick, easy, and affordable. Plus, it can be easily reheated if your child doesn’t have time to eat it all at lunch. All you need is a store-bought pizza dough, shredded parmesan cheese, and your favorite toppings.

Chicken nuggets

Chicken nuggets are a lunchtime favorite for kids. They’re easy to eat, and filling, and can be reheated if necessary. Just add them to your child’s lunchbox with some dipping sauce, and they’re good to go.

Stir-fry veggies

If your child prefers a hot lunch, then this is a great option. It’s healthy, filling, and can be made ahead of time. Plus, it can be easily reheated if your child doesn’t have time to eat it all at lunch. Just add your favorite veggies to a pan with some oil and stir-fry until they’re cooked to your liking. Sprinkle a little salt or soy sauce on top, and you’re good to go.

Corn dog muffins

This is a fun and easy way to add some variety to your child’s lunch. Just take some hot dogs, cut them into pieces, and mix them with some corn muffin mix. Then, bake them in the oven and pack them for lunch. Your child will love these mini corn dogs. Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, green beans, and peas are great in a stir-fry.

Waffle sandwiches

This is a quick and easy way to make a delicious sandwich. Just take two waffles, add your favorite fillings, and then put them in the toaster. Having maple syrup or honey would be a good idea too.

Protein-packed lunch idea for kids!

Fruit and Vegetables

An easy way to add some healthy variety to your child’s lunch is to pack some fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruits and crunchy veggies are always a hit, and they’re perfect for on-the-go snacking. You can pack them whole or cut them up into bite-sized pieces.


Yogurt is a healthy and delicious option for lunch. Plus, it’s easy to pack and doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

Cheese and Crackers

This is a quick and easy lunch option that’s perfect for kids. Just pack some crackers and cheese, and you’re good to go! Kids love this classic combo, and it’s a great way to sneak in some extra calcium. Pretzel sticks or breadsticks are a great way to add some variety. As a sweet treat, you can also pack some fruit leathers or gummies.

Benefits of packing your child’s lunch instead of buying it from school

Packing your child’s lunch has a lot of benefits. It’s cheaper, you have more control over what they’re eating, and it’s more convenient. If your grocery budget is tight, packing a school lunch can be a great way to save money. And if your child has food allergies or special dietary needs, packing their lunch ensures that they’ll have a safe and healthy meal.

Plus, it gives you a chance to bond with your child and teach them about healthy eating. You can always have a budget-friendly and healthy lunch with these ideas.

For some children who are picky eaters, packing their lunch gives you the opportunity to try out new foods.

Packing a lunch also allows you to include a note or drawing for your child.

A packed lunch is a great way to show your child you love them. So, don’t hesitate to pack a lunch for your child

How to organize and pack your child’s lunch

When packing your child’s lunch, it’s important to make sure everything is organized. This will help you save time and money, and ensure that your child’s lunch is healthy and safe.

Here are some tips for packing a school lunch:

Use reusable containers:

This will save you money in the long run, and it’s better for the environment.

Plan ahead:

Make sure you have all the ingredients you need before you start packing. This will save you time and hassle.

Get your child involved:

Let them choose what goes in their lunch, and help them pack it. This will make them more likely to eat it!

Be prepared:

If you’re packing a hot lunch, make sure you have everything you need to reheat it. And if you’re packing a cold lunch, make sure to pack an ice pack.


Packing your child’s lunch is a great way to save money, ensure their health and nutrition, and bond with them. It’s important to be organized when packing a lunch and to involve your child in the process.

With these tips, you’ll be able to pack a healthy and delicious lunch for your child that they’re sure to love.



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